Saturday, March 21, 2009

Thoughts on Robots.

I've been thinking about robots a lot lately. As I was doing my yard work last week it dawned on me that I would love to have a robot to help me out. Seeing that my daughter does not like it.

And I would also like to have a robot that does the house work. I think that it would be very easy to have a robot that vacuums floor and they have several models that already do that. But I think that it will be a while before we have robots that can do general cleaning.

Some of the problems that you find in the yard are very interesting and a Robot would be great to have to do these jobs. Take for example edging, I can imagine a robot that has an edging attachment. Or a blower attachment. Or a lawn mower attachment.

I have both a push mower, and a gasoline powered lawn mower. I think that a green version of a robot for the lawn would use a push mower attachment. It would also be cool to have a lawn mower that could make mulch or help recycle lawn clippings. I cut down a tree, and the disposal of the limbs was a pain. That kind of job could be something that a robot would be perfect.

On the lighter side, scientist in Japan have created a new supermodel robot. You can read's article here, Japan's latest supermodel--a robot. This is just a start, but not quite there yet.

Fashion Robot To Hit Japan Catwalk

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