To the east of where I live are some hills so I can't really see objects that are coming over the horizon until they rise a bit into the sky. To the north it is often hazy and hard for me to see a whole lot. I make most of my observations to the south and to the west.
I usually stargaze at dusk and at dawn. I try to keep a log on my cell phone on my voice recorder of what I see and the various things I learn from looking up at the sky. I have been looking up at the sky for many years now since I was a young boy and my mother bought me my first telescope.
I started observing the sky with my naked eyes at about 06:05 am and the first thing the stood out was the planet Venus, it was so bright in the morning sky. it was to the East and I don't think I have ever seen it shine so brightly before.
Next I could make out the constellation Orion, and I could see the three stars that make up the belt and the other stars of that constellation.
The next really prominent thing that I could see just with my eyes was the planet Jupiter, and it was very bright also.
I decided that I would set up my small reflector telescope and see what I could see. I really wanted to look at Venus because it was so bright. I was able to observe it and it really just looked like a small point of bright light and I could not really make out any distinguishing features about it.
At this point I decided to start observing Jupiter. I was able to see Jupiter and four of its moons. After I went through my various eye pieces I was able to make out some of the bands on the planet as well. I continued to observe the planet even after day had broke and I could no longer see it with my naked eye. It appeared as a light off white colored disk, with darker regions on it against the blue morning sky. I tracked it across the sky and I believe that my last observation was after 07:15 or so.
What I learned:
The whole experience was amazing to me, and I learned a lot from this lucky observation. I mean I was laying there in my bed after the alarm clock went off and thinking do I really want to get up. I am so glad that I did. I learned that you can see Jupiter's moons, and I also learned that I can observe objects in the sky even after the sun has risen, and I also learned that you can see the bands on Jupiter through a telescope.
Tools I used:
1. I used my unaided eyes. It is cool that during this month you can see a lot in the sky, and that I live in a place where the night time sky is accessible.
2. I used my Celestron 21024 FirstScope Telescope
3. I used Google Sky Map to make sure that I was looking at what I thought I was looking at. It is a useful tool and I recommend it for any stargazers out there.
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