Saturday, March 31, 2012

Kill Confirmed is not Team Deathmatch

I just played a game of Kill Confirm on Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 where many of the players on my team were playing the game as if they were playing Team Deathmatch. They were not picking up the dog tags of players they had killed. They were doing this, I am assuming, because they wanted to kill the members of the other team and extend the game and collect extra kills and points.

I first saw this problem in other games in the Call Of Duty series(World At War, Modern Warfare 2 and Black Ops). Some people want to make every game, a game of Team Deathmatch. And not only do they want to play the game as Team Deathmatch, they want you too as well. By doing this players are ruining the new game modes that the developers have given us. It is also frustrating to have other team members try to cajole you into playing the game against the rules and objectives of the game.

If you are reading this and you are a COD MW3 Kill Confirm player, as I am much of the time, please do not do this. First of all you are going to have a hard time teaching everyone else to play the game against the stated objectives and rules of the game. I personally do not listen to people who suggest that I should not collect the dog tags in this game type because that is the whole reason that I am playing.

And while you may be increasing your number of kills, you may not actually be increasing your score or the score of your team mates. And this is after all is a team game. You are giving up the fifty points the tag would bring. You also are possibly frustrating your fellow team mates.

One of my pet peeves about the game are those who focus on kills too much. Consider that kills are only one of the many statistics about the game the are tracked, score, wins, accuracy, ranking up and many other characteristic of the game are just as important.

So far those of you who think every game type should be Team Deathmatch, why don't you just play that game, where the goal is just to kill the members of the other team.

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