Monday, April 02, 2012

Death Streaks and Blance in Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3

You know the more I play Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3, the more I like it. Which is funny because I started out not really liking it so much.

At first it did not seem as balanced as some of the other versions of the game. I especially liked Black Ops with its larger more open maps, slower pace and its longer sight lines, which lend itself to snipers. But now that I am more then 90 percent finished with the third prestige campaign the game is growing on me more.

I started playing Kill Confirmed in MW3 and now I'm hooked on that game type. It is a fast pace game that lends itself to a lot of running and gunning. I even try running and gunning with my L86 Light Machine Gun sometimes. Just love mowing down 4 or 5 enemy players as I rush towards them. I can hear some of you laugh, thinking about someone rushing using an LMG.

One place that I think MW3 is balanced and it is something that not a lot of the commentators on YouTube ever mention, are the Death Streaks. It is kind of funny how many of the commentators never talk about death streaks or say that they never use them. Well that can't by right, everybody dies in MW3 at some point. Now you may be a slayer (name given to people who get a lot of kills) and you may even rack up 40 kills and 0 deaths on a regular basis, but you also die sometimes.

And if you are one of the few players out there who never dies, then good for you. That is impressive, even more so that you do it, when others are trying to kill you using Kill Streaks.

So here are the Death Streaks and a few of my thoughts:

1. Juiced - Your movement speed is increased for eight seconds, reducing the time it takes to locate the enemy that killed you. During objective modes, you can use it to get back to your current target faster.

I like juiced because it allows you to the get back to the place where you died last time. Many players go back to where they were last killed just as a matter of cause, but with juiced it allows you to get back there faster.

2. Revenge - Pinpoints your killer's location, and tracks them down so that you know where they are.

No matter how man times people claim that they do not use this, it is human nature to want to get revenge. And what do you do about those campers? Well I use revenge to go back and put a hole in their heads. But you do have to be careful, because some times revenge can lead you to your death, remember that guy already killed you once.

Kill me once, shame on you, I use revenge and go back to you and you kill me twice, shame on me!

3. Final Stand - In final stand after you have been shot or damaged enough that you would normally die, you drop down into what is called "final stand" in MW3 this is a position that allows you to do several things, and I think this is worth knowing.

a. You can fire the weapon that you were holding, so sometimes people rushing up on you will get surprised because they shoot you and then you fall on the ground and shoot and kill them. But you may shoot someone who is also using final stand, in which case they shoot you, you fall down, you shoot them, they fall down and shoot you and you die. See how balanced that is.

b. You can knife players that come near you.

c. You can throw grenades, flashes, and stuns at other players. This helps you get those assists

d. You can switch to your secondary weapon and fire it. I love doing this, I have even been able to switch to my launcher and blow up helos.

e. You can switch to weapons that are on the ground near you, this also helps in those situations where you have are down and out of ammo.

f. You can crawl while in final stand, if you are playing Kill Confirm you can also move to the position of the dog tags of the person that you kill while in final stand. Or you can move to a better position.

g. And finally, if you survive final stand, no one else shoots you. You will regain your health and live on to go and continue playing the game.

4. Martyrdom - Is one of those totally sneaky death streaks that people may claim that they do not use, but I know that they do. It drops a live grenade when you are killed, which can kill any enemies that are close to you. It works better on those small indoors maps where space is tight and when the grenade explodes enemies have little room to get away.
This is probably my second favorite death streak.

5. Dead Man's Hand - Kind of like Martyrdom, but with C4. You control the detonation with this one. I don't use this a whole lot because I am not a big user of C4, but if you are you may want to give it a try. I have been killed by it several times, and it always is a surprise.

6. Hollow Points - After you die, hollow points gives extra damage on your next shots. It last for one kill only. I have not used it much and don't know if I have been killed by it.
I have not used it, not because I think it is a bad thing, but mostly because I like using final stand more.

So here is my conclusion to my thoughts on Death Streaks.

1. I think they make the game balanced. Everybody dies in the game, this gives you a second chances after you die. We all know that there is camping, and many other cheap ways that people kill you, death streaks allow you to get back at players who pull these cheap tactics on you.

2. Using the death streaks requires skill. This is another reason that death streaks bring balance to the game, some of them require skill and knowledge to pull off. And some of them can allow you to get multiple kills, in the case of final stand, martyrdom, and dead man's hand you can often get multiple kills. Someone kills you, and then you kill them and a few of their friends, what could be more fare then that?

You also need to know what death streak will work best with what game type. That little bit of life that you gain during final stand, might help you capture a flag, or might just allow you to kill a person who is trying to capture it, or my allow you to get a defend, or what ever. You just have to under stand how each death streak works and how you can use it.

3. You can also get a lot of kills using death streaks. As mentioned in my previous statement you can get multiple kills, but depending on the game type, a kill may be more important, such as in "kill confirmed", where your team's score is all about the number of confirmed kills you get. If you get a killed and you kill some one using a death streak then it is a wash, but if you get a multiple kill, you just went one up on the other team.

4. Last but not least, you know you are going to die at some point during the game, so pick a death streak that lets you, not only die with honor but also puts some points on the score board.

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