Monday, December 19, 2011

Zynga's IPO: Thoughts and Resources

I've been reading articles on Zynga's IPO and watching closely how it is evolving. I wanted to collect some of those articles in one place and collect my thoughts on this important player in the video gaming industry.

I am not a big player of most of Zynga's games, I mostly play Texas Hold'em Poker (but have not played in a while). Some of the social aspects of the game are annoying to me. I want to play the game and not always have to participate in some of the social aspects of the game. I'm like that about many of the games that I play, even on some of my favorite console games like Modern Warfare 3 on the PS3.

I recently asked my wife to return a headset that she bought for me, because I seldom talk to the other players, and in the years that I have been playing the game the number of times that I have heard something that was helpful or uplifting is totally out weighed by the totally abusive language and other just dysfunctional behaviors that many people display while playing online games that have a strong social component.

I bring this up because I think it will be interesting to see how Zynga and other gamming companies work the social angle in games moving forward. I do not think that I am very represenitive of people who play the game by the way, I might be outside of the target demographics of many of these games.

Check out these online articles and sites for more information on Zynga's IPO.'s Zynga by the Numbers Infographic

Paul Tassi, contributor makes some very interesting points in his online article titled, Zynga Claims it Can Double Paying Users After IPO

Google Finance Zynga's Page has some good information about the company and will be a good dashboard for anyone wanting to follow along with what is going on.

Where the company is described;
Zynga lets wannabe mob bosses, farmers, and poker champs get their game on. The company is a leading social game developer with titles such as Mafia Wars, FarmVille, Café World, and Zynga Poker. It offers the games online for free through social networking sites Facebook, Myspace, and Yahoo!. They can also be downloaded onto Apple's iPhones and myriad mobile devices based on Google's Android platform. The company makes money by selling advertising consisting of branded virtual goods, sponsorships, and engagement ads via credit card and PayPal to users within the games. Zynga is owned by CEO Mark Pincus, who founded the company in 2007 and named it after his late dog Zinga. The company filed for an IPO in 2011.

And finally the WallStreetJournal Online, in an article titled Zynga IPO Fizzles as Stock Falls 5% points out that even at a price that is disapointing to some, Zynga has a higher valuation then its rival Electronics Arts.

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